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About Alice

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So far Alice has created 4 blog entries.
5 05, 2021

New treatments for 2021

2025-01-17T13:05:41+00:00May 5th, 2021|

Perron & Rigot non strip wax  I’m now offering leading experts Perron and Rigot non strip wax for intimate areas. Using the 3 steps system which allows for exceptional polymers the ability to attach to the hair not the skin, achieving long lasting results that are less painful and with less redness!   Elim Medi [...]

10 07, 2020

Alice’s Beauty is OPEN for business

2020-07-19T23:29:58+01:00July 10th, 2020|

I have survived lockdown and I can’t wait to be back doing what I love once again. I have everything in place and am covid secure ready to welcome you back. Please take the time to view the new terms and conditions page. I will be open for business on Tuesday 14th July. I look [...]

18 06, 2020

Brow Lamination coming soon…

2020-06-23T14:11:01+01:00June 18th, 2020|

Brow lamination ~ Brow Treatments have become increasingly popular over the last few years and since the bigger fluffier brow has exploded onto the scene the demand for brow lamination treatments has become the most sought after treatment. There is no maintenance required and the treatment can be combined with a brow tint, resulting in [...]

31 07, 2012

17 life changing makeup hacks every woman should know

2014-06-12T18:14:48+01:00July 31st, 2012|

These tricks will leave everyone wondering what you did to look so gorgeous. 1. Perfect your cupid's bow by drawing an "X" on your upper lip first as a guideline. To make the cupid's bow part of your pout look perfect, the easiest and quickest way is to take a lip liner in the same [...]


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