- Do not attend your appointment if you are feeling unwell, showing any symptoms of covid-19, or have been in contact with someone who is showing these symptoms. Please get in contact with me asap to cancel your appointment. Please ensure you self-isolate for 2 weeks and feeling well with no symptoms before planning your next visit.
- Please arrive to your appointment on time. You must not enter unless instructed, even if the door is open. I will let you know when you can enter the salon as I may still have the previous client in the room, or be in the process of sanitising prior to your arrival.
- Please wait in your car if you arrive early.
- You will need to attend your appointment alone, this includes no children.
- For the safety of myself and my clients, I will be wearing all the necessary PPE and following the government guidelines.
- You must wear a clean face mask to protect us both, if you do not have one of these then you may purchase from me for £1.
- You must wash your hands as instructed upon arrival, also using the hand sanitiser provided as you leave.
- Please bring as few belongings into the salon with you, such as bags or coats, unless necessary. avoid touching your face or belongings once you have washed your hands. Mobile phones are requested not to be used until the end of the appointment.
- I will no longer be able to provide refreshments, except water in the disposable cups provided.
- All areas of the salon will be sanitised between clients. I am no longer able provide a blanket, so please make sure you are dressed warm enough.
- All tools used for treatments will continue to be sterilised as usual.
- Please avoid touching anything in the salon, this includes nail sticks, polishes and retail products. If you wish to see anything then please ask me and I can retrieve for you.
- Please remember that toilet facilities are not available.
*These may be updated at any time in line with government guidance.